Anesthesia: PhysicianBoardReview Q&A

4.2 ( 3632 ratings )
Eğitim Medical
Geliştirici: Edens R&D, LLC
12.99 USD


Prepare for your board certification, recertification, USMLE, or test your knowledge in Anesthesiology with PhysicianBoardReview Q&A series.

Make learning easy and accessible with your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. Review questions anywhere and anytime with the information at your fingertips.

PhysicianBoardReview is designed for students, residents, fellows, nurses, assistants, attendings, and anyone interested in testing their knowledge in specific medical specialties.

Questions are written by fellows and attendings only in their specialty. All questions have been reviewed by physicians in the specialty being tested.

Anesthesia (Vol 1): PhysicianBoardReview Q&A offers 100 questions and answers with detailed explanations, including references.


100 Board-style questions and answers

Category section to browse for questions by topics

Detailed explanations for correct and incorrect answers

Report card by categories to track the total number of questions answered, percent correct, and percent incorrect

Review mode provides correct answers immediately upon viewing

Shuffle mode to mix the order of questions while taking a test

Reset button to start your test over

Topics Covered:

1. Hematology, Transfusion Medicine &
Perioperative Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy
2. Pharmacology
3. Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology
4. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Management
5. General Surgical Anesthesia
6. Critical Care Medicine
7. The Operating Room & Anesthesia Machine
8. Anesthesia for Obstetrics
9. Pediatric Anesthesia
10.Neurosurgical Anesthesia
11.Statistics & Clinical Epidemiology

Questions by:
William E. Corcoran, M.D.
Fellow, Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology
Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston

App Design:
Michael Funk, M.D.
Chief Executive Officer
PhysicianBoardReview, LLC

App Development:
Jerry Edens
Chief Technology Officer
PhysicianBoardReview, LLC

Please make sure you post a review so we can view your recommendations for future improvements.

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If you have any questions about this application or you are interested in writing questions for our numerous specialties please contact us at: [email protected]